My birthday is happening in a week. Another year has gone and a new one about to come. But unlike other people, I am not looking into an elaborate, booze-and-fireworks-filled kind of celebration. I guess longing for simplicity in things is among the pieces of wisdom that getting old gives. Because even my wishlist contains nothing but the stuff that matters to me -- and right now I only have four of them.
1. The gift for more borrowed time. So many things, so little time. I've always heard that line on countless occasions. Not that I am complaining but when you are getting older, trying to fit a demanding career, social life, a hobby, relaxation and sleep seem to be difficult. To the fact that I sometimes feel like 24 hours is not sufficient to fit everything in.
2. A good nights' sleep. For the past five and a half years, I have been running on four to six hours of sleep. And I have also learned the art of sleeping in public transportation on the way to work everyday. And to be honest, I yearn for a restful night of slumber. If I could sleep in the same way as a cat, I definitely would do it. Pahinga over pera (or pag-ibig) pa rin ang motto ko!
3. To read a good book. My supervisor once asked me, if money was never an issue, what would I do for a day? Aside from sleep, it would be going to the beach, sip coffee and read books-- to my heart's content.
Photo: National Bookstore |
And while I still have books piling up unread in my room at home, there are just two titles I yearn to immerse my mind into once I finally get a day (or days) away from work -- Alden: In My Own Words by Alden Richards and Yup, I Am That Girl by Maine Mendoza. With the kind of job that I have, dealing with legal jargons, clients with complicated (read: upset, irate) attitude, and reading law-related books that are totally hardcore to my brain for half a decade of my life, I sometimes need something that's light and easy to read to allow my brain to breathe from all the stress and highfalutin words.
Photo: Cake Central |
4. A birthday cake. And a Minnie Mouse inspired one at that. Because I am a fan of the color red, anything Disney (especially Mickey and Minnie) and simply because a birthday doesn't seem to be complete without blowing a candle on top of a birthday cake.
You see my list has nothing complicated in it. Back in school, I was taught that there is a difference between "want" and "need". But in reality, if there's another thing this "getting old" feeling is telling me, it is that during these times, the things that you want are actually the things that you do really need.
*All photos courtesy of unless otherwise stated on the caption.