Now, This is the Serenity I Like!

Back from what has been a 10-day night shift at work. And since it's a weekend, I took the liberty of time to explore the metropolis and look at what I found:

Since I started working at one of the country's busiest business districts, this place, the Ayala Triangle Park had pretty much caught my inquisitive thoughts. And since I am getting out of the office in the morning for this week and with the weekend in the works, I decided to fix a trip to this piece of sanctuary in the city.

And well, the trip was all worth the planning and the wait. A version of London's Hyde Park just a few steps away from the office. It was such a quiet venue perfect for finding serenity after a week's load of busy stuff at work. Who would have thought that in such a busy CBD like Makati lies a patch of solitude. The one that's pictured above was the exact location of where I was this morning. There, during my visit was health buffs for a walk and a bunch of guys from a Frisbee team having their practice at 7 a.m.

Oh, and I found another wonderful view in this park. I better return there to have a photo of that spot taken because it's really wonderful. I admire it to bits!


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