Review: Eskwelahan Planner 2016 Edition

Whenever another year is about to arrive, one staple item in a person's wish list is a new planner. Yuppies even students nowadays carry one. For 2016, I opted for the Eskwelahan Planner which I bought at Fully Booked Eastwood Mall a few days before 2015 ended. In the first two years with my current job, I resorted to the usual generic planner and after having two of those (for 2012 and 2014), I decided I don't want one that looks boring (as I don't want a generic life for the whole year career wise).

You may think that this planner is more for the nerdy/geeky type of person (hence the name Eskwelahan) but let me tell you that this is not just for students -- it could also fit those in the corporate world.

I first learned of Eskwelahan planner from a former colleague Jasmine. At first, I just found the front cover nice. But there was more to its interesting cover. Let me show you some of its cool yet really useful features:

 1. Expenses tracker -- So that you get to monitor how much you spend the whole month and if you're close to hitting the zero-balance level even before payday arrives.

2. Mood/inspiration boards -- they're intended to be blank pages for you to doodle your ideas or past photos on .

3. Spaces for for your daily to-do list - The blank pages are not ruled ones so for someone who is OC with penmanship, putting notes on it  (and doing so on one straight line) could be a challenge.

 4. Games, quotes and trivia -- Who says planners can't become a source of interesting information? Every page of the 2016 Eskwelahan Planner contain bits and pieces of valuable details that could be useful conversation starters and icebreakers.

5. It contains coupons for discounts and freebies -- This to me is the best part ;-) From SkyRanch to Zen Zest to A1 Driving School, Eskwelahan Planner includes coupons that one can use within the year.

And if you're the  maabubot type of person, the planner also has its back pocket enough to store tickets, receipts or photos. I just jazzed mine up by putting a strip of washi tape from another online dealer.

Eskwelahan 2016 Planner comes in two colors: Gold ad blue back cover and retails for PhP400.00 (I got mine for PhP460.00 at Fully Booked). You may also order online by going to this link.


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