A Meaningful Gift of Self

Today is the last day of my  week-long vacation leave. I know it's been a long time since I wrote anything and this post was inspired of an endeavor I vouched on some months ago and after visiting the page of Matrix Professional Philippines. Indeed this is a long overdue post.

It was in October last year when I just had this sudden urge of wanting to bring my short hair back. I've been sporting a long hairstyle for quite some time and was really decided for a change but my office mate, JR told me to put the activity on hold and showed me the article about the 8" Cut for Cancer Challenge of Matrix Professional Philippines.

The stylist wasn't done yet when they took this photo.

The said activity was a win-win situation to those who dared to participate, because you get to help a cancer-stricken child gain his/her self esteem while you get to have your haircut for free courtesy of volunteer hairstylists from the different Davids Salon branches. I have always wanted to join such activities that encouraged donation, but I don't deem myself to be fit to be a donor given that I am taking medications often. It surely hampered me from doing so. But this one proved that there still is a way for me to do it. My hair was indeed a sort of life saving asset and helped me accomplish one of the things I really wanted to do. At the end of the event, it was announced that there were 400 people who donated on-site and I am more than happy to be part of it.

My hair had started growing longer again given that it has been four months since this event happened. And participating in this activity was one of the best things I have embarked myself to prior to reaching 30 and I am indeed a very happy adult with what I did.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.