Things Are Somewhat Unresolved

11:20 pm September 3, 2008

Anywhere now, there are almost a lot of things left unresolved. Issues still hanging and waiting for decisions and truths waiting to be revealed.

Waiting for the conclusion of unresolved matters is one painstaking matter. Living on the thought day by day is indeed hard. Letting go of some decisions are not that easy especially if you’ve been enjoying the best part of it.

It’s been almost a month since I learned about the tragic story of Atenean and band vocalist Tara Santelices who was shot during a hold up incident in Cainta Rizal last August 6, the day of her 23rd birthday. Today, she lay in a hospital bed in the state of a coma since the incident. Her image today was very much different from that of her graduation photo. I’ve followed her story by the blogs and bulletins of my friends as well as my boyfriend who had an opportunity to be with her in one event and through write-ups about her on the internet. And almost a month after since the incident, the criminals responsible of the crime are at large and free while their victim though breathing is unconscious still fighting and holding on for dear life.

Sometimes though I might sound cruel, I can’t help but say why can’t those criminals be the one to die instead? I have high regards to my faith that it sounds rude to speak ill against other people but then, with what those people do against someone, for sure others would say the same thing, at least once. And I know it’s hard for people close to her to see her that way. That the once bubbly and lively 23-year old suddenly had a different twist if fate. While the criminals roam free despite hiding from authorities while Tara and her family live in uncertainty.

On the other hand, I also have my own batch of unresolved things. It has been a week since I resigned from work and right now, I am dealing with the aftermath of it. I had to endure the feeling of a different morning after, the longing for the sight of my space, the voice of the people that I worked with, the presence of the person on the other side of the wall who I used to call Darling Teacher and the company of my students. It was indeed a hard feeling for me that I decided to leave. But I know that I just had to in exchange for a better opportunity both career wise and financially. I know this unresolved feeling is because of holding on to the experience that I can’t easily let go and I hope to get over it. And I also hope for a better job in the near future.

UPDATE: Just this morning before I posted this entry, I learned through Q TV's Balitanghali that a witness had surfaced to give a testimony during the shooting incident of Tara Santelices. The witness also described the person responsible for shooting Tara. On the other hand, although Tara is still fighting for dear life but showing some good signs possible for recovery.


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