One Quarter Down

It's the last day of March. As I flip through the pages of my bullet journal this afternoon, I'm asking subconsciously how swift could time go? We were just starting to plan our year weeks back, and now, it's the end of the first quarter of 2022.

How had you been in the last three months?

While I was looking forward to welcoming the new year with a bang, the Universe gave us a surprising version of it. While the ordeal that we went through at the beginning of the year scared the hell out of us, it proved to be something that came with purpose. For together with the struggles and fears associated with COVID-19 were significant realizations that I never thought I would ponder on for the longest time.

I also decided to revive my love for reading after putting in on hold for months. Since the beginning of the year, I took advantage of the convenience of online shopping (plus the free shipping, and discounts), buying books on different topics and genres and spending a good amount of time daily immersing in its pages. Next to occasionally taking time off from social media, reading is an activity that never failed to give my mind the kind of healing it deserves.

The first three months of 2022 was filled with plot twists. I was able to spend a good amount of time making new friends, and catching up with long-time ones. Just weeks after Valentine's Day, I found myself going on an unplanned road trip around Rizal, and the nearby province of Laguna. The experience proved to be liberating. Indeed, one really has to go somewhere that she's never been. For the discoveries we get from the experience contributes something to enrich our being. 

But the first 90 days was not all pure sunshine. There were also days filled with things that gave me a rollercoaster of emotions. I won't hide it. There were days filled with worry, tears, disappointment, and even anger. I just chose to accept the fact that there are situations I really have no control of, either I'll have to live with it, ignore it, or do something to somehow change it. Careerwise, I received numerous rejections. But then, I just chose to shrug my shoulders on those rather than questioning what is missing or why can't I fit in. 

Tomorrow, another month begins as it marks the second quarter of the year. I am about to begin with new endeavors too. And while I am not sure as to what will happen next, I guess I'll just try to walk by faith. Regardless if it's make or break, I know I won't be left with nothing in whatever undertaking or adventure that I'll try to pursue.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.