Focus Not On Disability But Dreams

This was what I got from reading Bo Sanchez' newsletter on creating one's destiny which landed in my inbox days ago. His words were inspired by Filipino-American Jessica Cox. A 25 year old girl without arms due to a birth defect; but despite that, she's a licensed pilot, with two taekwondo balck belts and can do anything even put on contact lenses all by herself despite the absence of her upper limbs.

I can relate to her story. And I admire the courage of people like her. 14 years ago, I was diagnosed with an illness that still is unnamed and unknown to me. Despite of having one of the country's best neurologists to handle my case, he can't directly tell me what is this "rare disease" which left me physically challenged.

And in spite of my physical difference, even people nowadays still ask me of this; and what I felt. Of course at first it left me with pity rather than anger. Yet, I knew my spirit kept being strong. I don't remember any instance that I had a reason to be angry with God; nor thinking about committing suicide. I never deemed to focus on this difference (I call it as a difference rather than a disability; I'm not disabled after all for I can still do a lot of things just like a normal person). Yes, God probably planned this to happen to me but then, His graciousness was still proven for He has been good to have granted all the wishes of my heart.

If other people can do things, then so can I.

I might be physically different but God still blessed me with a lot of things; including a career that completes me and makes me happy; a career that I do love. A good and God-fearing family that is strong and full of wisdom. I am surrounded with good people and though on a part time basis, I work for a kind employer who values my efforts.

I am happy to be alive, loved, being in love and pursuing my passion. Reading the story, I learned these:

I have more than a Genie. I have a God within me who has given me all the resources I need to fulfill the dreams He has planted in my heart.

Don’t focus on what you don’t have, focus on what you have.

Don’t focus on your disabilities, focus on your possibilities!

Big dreams attract more energy, more attention, and more resources.

and last but not the least,
Focusing On Your Dream Is Important To Your Happiness


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