Personality Sketches, Facebook and Being Beautiful

Still, despite my busy schedule with my writing job, I get to find some time logging to my new love, Facebook. Yep, aside from this blog and the blogs that I follow, Facebook's the next best thing in cyberspace. Since I had internet connection here at home, I get to catch up with my friends including my favorite writer, witty editor Frances Amper-Sales (OK! Philippines' editor-in-chief)and her blog, Topaz Horizon.

Speaking of her blog, she's got a beauty promo running till the end of this week. I actually opted to join (and it's going to end in a few days, so readers, do join in now) after I guess being inspired with the responses of my colleagues, friends and even bosses with my current look. I'm actually not a fan of make-up kits back then. Not until my good for nothing ex boyfriend broke up with me and got this press-release of him having a one-year old son from a girl he impregnated while we were still together. I decided to venture into new hairstyles, lipstick, mascara and all those things that make a girl absolutely beautiful--or perhaps, fantabulous as Frances puts it.

And revenge this way is absolutely sweet. It's not just me who loved my new look but others as well.

And then came Frances' blog entry about these wonderful beauty goodies from Maybelline. I'm gaga over the lip collection! I find it so fab! Pink and sophisticated any girl will be seductive with pink, glossy lips. Nowadays, a lipstick is one of the handy things I can't leave home without--aside from my flash drive, mobile phone and pen.

Because lipsticks not just give color. It shows sophistication to ladies. Oh, and like what my former co-teacher told me, even if you don't have the moolah, when you have your red lipstick on, people won't be able to tell the difference.

And those actually are wise words. I know a lot of blog followers will join her contest. I'm just trying my luck. Who knows, right?

For some weeks, I've been interchanging my roles in my writing stint. From doing articles of the anniversary issue of Highlights (out next month) to revising the PR/ client material for the Marketing Department (it's kinda giving me headaches before I finally got the whole thing right. :-p)


But I really enjoy doing those kinds of stuff. Days ago, after sessions of emails to the section editors, I finally finished the whole thing--four pages of personality sketches of editors and writers.

Personality sketches are actually fun for me. Including writing, researching for one's favorites and interests makes the subject so fab. Although there are people who admit to be ashamed of describing themselves, I actually find it wonderful. For one, because it allows me to learn things about these people; and I get a glimpse of who they are behind their corporate suits. Oh, and it justifies my guesses too. I'm no psychologist but their responses do tell me if my perception about them is a bit correct (if not 100 percent accurate)

I'm just enjoying things today. Facebook surveys, write ups and all.



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