All Things New

Since the day I had finally gotten an internet connection at home, a bit of my routine has changed. Everyday, I've found myself checking my emails and catching up with my relatives in Toronto first thing in the morning when I wake up. But that's just one.

This is my brother's new baby. The PC where you'll find me with my coffee in the morning. Although I still have my own desktop PC working--though the screen's color is green, this is where the Internet connection is.

I also decided to sport a new haircut. A sign of my liberation from being a bastardized girlfriend, I decided to make myself look gorgeous--doing it for my self-esteem. And like what my best friend Appple said, masarap sa pakiramdam ang magpaganda (being beautiful makes you feel good), it is indeed putting my spirits up.

Still into writing for Highlights, we're coming out with a Special Anniversary issue next month. And I'm glad to be very busy with writing the articles. I have developed a wonderful and harmonious relationship in this industry--being here for three years. Honestly, it is my ardent prayer to work with MMLDC not just as a freelancer but I hope to work in the institution for good. I know more than ever, this is where my heart really is.

I'm also into Facebook. And it's actually quite addicting. More fun than Friendster. I found another way to catch up with friends.

These are just a few of the things that I love nowadays. I can say life's blissful for me now. I hope my heart's going to find its happiness soon. After all, bliss begins with two words--LOVE ACTUALLY.



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