Reading Alexandra Potter

Sitting next to my netbook are two things: a bag of popcorn and the book, Be Careful What You Wish For by British novelist Alexanrda Potter. It's been sitting on my bedside for nearly two weeks mainly because I don't have much time to read lately.

But now, I decided to devour on its pages given that my shift for work tonight will be at 11 pm and I am waiting for nine o'clock to chat with my aunts in Toronto. So right now, I am on an imaginary trip to London through the book while listening to Blackbird by the Beatles.

Imaginary trips to existing places. It's one of the things I like (or should I say love) about reading. I shall be posting another entry once I finish the book and that's (hopefully) in the near future.

For now, I'll make out most of the momentum by reading. I need to use it while it's here to consume.


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