What My Happy Place Looks Like Around the World

Third to Disneyland and Jollibee, a bookstore is what I consider to be another happy place (at least for me) in the world. Whenever I go to a mall, rather than the department store, the first store I always enter is that room full of books -- and of course, part of the money I earn goes to books as well.

Just recently, Flavorwire published 20 beautiful bookstores from around the world. I checked them and while some of them look vintage but there also some that look chic. From 20, the following are my picks:

Assouline Books, Paris, France- I love the minimalist style and the red-colored wall
Kníhkupectvo Martinus.sk, Bratislava, Slovakia reminds me of a bookstore in Ortigas for the interiors.  
I also Librería Rosario in Castellanos, Mexico City particularly the white shelves and the interior design.
Baldwin's Book Barn in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I wonder if my friend Drew Montemayor is familiar of this place. and the cats? I only noticed these this morning -- to think that I've been reading this article thrice now.

There are some more I loved but if you would like to read the rest of the entries, you may check them out here. As for me, I used to like the old Powerbooks in Megamall with the spacious and home-y ambiance; but since it was moved to a new location, I can't help but be disappointed. The reading nooks were no longer there and the interiors were different now. Thankfully, there is a nearby bookstore, Fully Booked which is just few steps away from my office. Such a sweet escape during lunch break and saving my sanity (not to mention consenting my reading addiction).

The interior design could be compared to those in other countries -- complete with reading nooks and titles from so many authors. Every time I am there, I can't help but think (perhaps dream) that if I do get to own a house, I want a room in it that looks like this one. One more thing I like about the store is their accommodating staff. I tried purchasing a book from them but upon realizing that the title is not available, they went the extra mile to check their other branches and were that nice in answering my questions about my purchase -- even through SMS. I only had to leave my contact details and wait for five days before acquiring the book.

How about you? What is that "happy place" you could share with me? Who knows, I might check it out as well!

Photos from here and here.


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