Happy First Birthday

I haven't been blogging for a week as I have been venturing in a hopeful chapter in my life. So far, things are doing good and I feel happy about it. I've been meeting new people and establishing healthy friendships likewise.

By default today's Friday morning and I just arrived home an hour ago from a busy business district. As it's June 25, while I reached a year and five months of singlehood, I am also celebrating the first anniversary since I decided to join the Facebook bandwagon.

I've written lots and lots of comments on that of my friends' status on their walls, played FarmVille, Pet Society and Country Story even discussed and exchanged opinions and stuff.

A year of status, notes, posts, likes, tags and comments. Sometimes it seems silly but then at times when people would comment and even like about what I say, I can't help but sometimes ask even quietly react if I do make sense.

Well, I guess I do. At times.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.