Wisdom from a Power Couple

I've been down sick for four days now; but I actually feel better today compared to the last three days -- I am just watching out if this simple cough and cold would lead to another asthma attack like it normally does especially during the "ber" months. I'm just relieved that there are not much tasks at the office this week so in a way, I got to really slow down on things.

On the other hand, I don't have any idea that being under the weather would somehow do me good. I chanced upon this interview of US First Couple, President Barrack and First Lady Michelle Obama on the Oprah Winfrey Show aired in May. I've always wondered how life is like being married to someone in politics, much more being hitched to such a powerful authority and finding this video was just in the nick of time!

In particular, I liked how they answered some questions concerning President Obama as head of state, living a normal (read: common) life and Mrs. Obama's response on marriage. To which I quote:

On carrying the problems of a nation:

From the President:
"It's important to remember that I'm not there alone. I've got this incredible cabinet who do great work; there is a  bunch of people in our government who are everyday thinking how do we do a good job in behalf of our customers and our bosses. And I pray a lot."
 From the First Lady:
"Getting children in the good habits of being thankful, being grateful. We try to give back what we get because we know that there are a lot of people praying for us. That we know everywhere we go."
The First Lady on marriage:
"It has to be a true partnership. You have to really, really like and respect the person that you are married to. It is a hard road. Don't expect it to be easy molding two lives and trying to raise others and doing it forever. There are highs and lows but in the end, you can look at him in the eye and say 'I like you.' You'd go through that wonderful love stage, but when it gets hard, you need a little bit more."
President Obama on family:
 "What keeps me sane, what keeps me balanced, what allows me to deal with the pressure? It is this young lady right here and our two daughters. 'Cause when I come home, no matter what I'm dealing with, I've got people there not only do I love but whose company I just enjoy and will bring me down to a level of basic humanity, humor and make sure that I am not taking myself seriously. Not only she had been a good first lady but she is just my rock and I count on her on so many ways every single day."
When they were asked about the subject of rearing their daughters, it impressed me that they did not let fame get too much into the heads of their kids. Despite being first daughters, the first lady instilled that their kids know how to do household chores. In one way, this gave me a different  view that not all kids born into a political family would grow up to be spoiled brats.

These are just some of my observations. In all honesty, while I can't put all of them in words, this had answered the inquisitive thoughts in my mind. And I love the way President Obama threw glances at his wife as she spoke. It just means that as  cliché  sounding as it is, one thing still is true:

Behind every successful man is a woman -- in this case, it's his wife!


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