Blessings are Bigger Than Your Fears

I just attended the How to Find Your One True Love  seminar yesterday. Currently, I'm still regaining my strength since I had been away from home for almost the whole day.  When I first received the email announcing the seminar last August 16, I was naturally excited that I sent my inquiries and all eager to participate to an event I had, in a sense, yearned to attend to. Call it being caught in the spur of a moment but that's the apt way to describe what I first did.

But just when everything has been settled and I was only waiting for the directions and the big day, I found myself having these jitters and cold feet. Yes. I had worries. I did not tell my mom that the seminar I will be attending was about those single people who would want to get the know how of hopefully giving their current status a change and hoping to find answers to some questions. I was scared of being tagged as doing a "desperate move" so I just kept it to myself until when I came home last night. Days before the event, prior to getting the directions, I had been worrying if I'd be able to figure out the way to the venue and much more,  I had this fear of getting lost and being unable to make it to the event.

The thought of quitting came to my mind. But one advice worked.

"Never choose in the presence of useless fears."

I realized my fears were indeed of the useless kind. When I was on my way to the venue yesterday morning, I never got lost nor have the difficulty in locating Valle Verde Country Club -- thanks to the cab driver who was with his wife on the trip. Being in that event did not mean doing a desperate move for I met new people -- even friends at that. If you still want to call attending so a desperate move, well, I'm not alone at it (and that's too shallow for me  to be concerned of).

And talk about meeting people, if there was one thing that highlighted this endeavor that I braved, it would be this:

Dream come true! Yeah!

I finally had the opportunity to meet the guy behind some of my favorite Catholic inspirational books! Bo Sanchez was among the speakers in the seminar. I've seen and heard him preach on TV but the experience of hearing him speak in person was more thrilling. He talks with full conviction, faith and humor. I was also able to mingle with another speaker, Rissa Singson-Kawpeng who is the editor-in-chief of Kerygma Magazine. It's now that I think if I opted to back out with what I originally planned, I would have missed the chance of seeing and realizing one of my dreams come true right before my eyes.

It's just the second day of the "ber" month. I'm still 27 and little by little my "old" wishes are coming true one by one. Now, I'm starting to believe at what my colleague Sunny once told me. That often it's good to have some challenge in your life -- and braving it!


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