A Serving of Pop Fiction

I'm not much of a young adult literature fan. While I do love books, I think of that genre to be mismatched to my age. So it's weird why on one payday, I found myself clutching this book, Between Now and Ever After while I left the checkout counter of  supermarket -- that's despite of the fact that the books of David Levithan and Lauren Oliver is still waiting to be read and released from my bookshelf.

Pop Fiction books are published by Summit Media mostly for teens. You're surely asking what does this have to do with a 30-year old, workaholic geek. My main reason for getting this book was because I wanted something away from the hardcore titles (read: thick novels) and true enough, this was far from being stressful to read. Instead, this was a simple, light, feel good book composed of five short stories about everyone's  favorite subject: LOVE.

I have yet to finish the book (two more stories left). As of this writing, I am on the third story but, this little book has bits of love wisdom in between which can sound simple but when you think of it hits right on target:
  1. True love is worth the wait.
  2. Dare to fall in love because life is too short to wonder what could have been.
  3. Make your move before the moment passes. Because in the end, you'll just regret the decisions you waited too long to make.
  4. If you have chemistry, then you only need one other thing: perfect timing.
  5. Sometimes, the hardest to let go of is the one you never really had.
Did I tell you that this book is fit for a 16 year old? And reading this one makes me go back in time about how the feeling is to be 16 again.


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