What Transpired in a Month

Besides the usual busy workload in the office, rainy season is finally here. I went on a Facebook hiatus for more than a month mostly because of personal reasons. After more than 30 days of no status updates, I'd limit status updates to once or twice in a day and in a few day intervals. Nowadays, I limit internet usage to reading some blogs and checking just two accounts on Instagram. I know this is nothing new but then, I never thought shutting my online life temporarily has its positive benefits.

I am currently on vacation leave to rest and relax. So how are things going for me the last month without hardly any status? These "photo essay" will tell.

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana :-)

I joined in to the bandwagon of the Minion craze. And while my office mates have a lot of these little yellow creatures, I just got one and I'm just fine with it..

My godchild/niece Hailey turned one and I've received little yet prophetic gifts :-)

I've finally gone into physical therapy to ease the pain caused by Tennis Elbow. I've completed the six sessions two weeks ago . My therapist is also from my hometown. The treatment gave some sort of relief but then the pain would still come every now and then. My ninang whose occupation is also in the medical field said it could already be because I have been working for a long time and my age (aka pains of getting old).

Watched a movie (the fifth for this year) that is The Breakup Playlist. If you're in for loads of Piolo Pascual-induced kilig  and an inclination on music then better see this one (and you'll be surprised how the movie's title came to be).

I also finished Jennifer Smith's The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight which I brought in March.

And I tried my hand at art through this adult coloring book. So far, the experience was nice as I never dared engaging in any art activity before for the belief that it is not my cup of tea. 

As of today, I still have unread notifications. I only get those reminders on my email. While I post a couple of status messages, I still am still unsure as to when I'll resume with my online life but so far, I am enjoying this uncomplicated, simple and productive life free from cyber-stress.

And I guess I'll let that be for sometime.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.