Solo Trip to MIBF 2016


Exactly a week ago today, I went on another solo trip, this time to SMX Convention Center for this year's Manila International Book Fair.

I was eyeing to go even the day before. Call me shallow but I was looking forward to going to the event for two reasons: The first and only attendance that I had for the MIBF was back in 2003 (oo, pangalawang beses ko palang ito); and this is the first time I am going to Mall of Asia, commuting on my own. 

Originally, I scheduled to leave the house early to arrive at the area around 8 or 9 am but instead, left a bit late and after braving the traffic and the experience of riding public transportation, I arrived at SMX 30 minutes before lunchtime. I immediately went to the booth of Summit Media after paying the entrance fee and scouted for not magazines but surprise, surprise: cookbooks.

If you are to ask me about the experience, it was kind of worth it. If you're a bookworm just like I am, going to events such as the Manila International Book Fair has its advantages. You get to personally meet authors of your favorite titles (and if you get too lucky, get them to sign your copy), choose the books you want and buy lots and lots of books at cheaper prices (either on sale or sold at a discounted price). Book fairs are really a bibliophile's wasteland! In my case, I only allotted 1,000 pesos but it covered the expenses -- yes including the books that I purchased. Just a friendly warning though, if you plan to attend the MIBF next year, be prepared at magbaon ng napakahabang pasensya because going through a beeline choosing the books and paying them is a bit time-consuming. In my case, while I really wanted to buy those cookbooks, it took time for me to pay because I was in line with teenagers who seemed to take eternity in choosing the book they want to buy.

Before leaving Pasay City, I also made a side trip to this church. I have always been intrigued about the place when I first spotted it from the parking lot of MOA two years ago but never had the chance to go near. Last week, I took the chance and paid this church, The Shrine of Jesus The Way, The Truth and The Life a visit even for a few minutes.

I will surely return for next year's MIBF though I'll try to make it early in the venue so that I can really check out and scout for books from the exhibitors :-)


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