A Ray of Courageous Light

Prior to welcoming the weekend, I remember quipping (and doing a status post on Facebook) that Fridays and weekends are meant for "babe time" (blame it on that Gerald-Bea movie, I learned a new term). But I really did not have special plans this weekend. However, spontaneity just hit me yesterday so I decided to leave the house and travel to Eastwood despite it was not a workday.

I went to St. Padre Pio Chapel in compliance with my usual Friday visit. After staying in the chapel for an hour, I decided to travel to Cubao. I have been working in Eastwood for almost six years but I never tried travelling to Cubao so this was really my first attempt. Hindi naman pala talaga siya malayo. Given that there was no heavy traffic, I reached Cubao in 25 minutes, I think.

Reaching Gateway Mall, I was planning to grab some snacks at Starbucks as a little belated treat for myself having reached my 53rd month at work last Friday. But something else caught my attention and instead, I found myself going to a photo exhibit at the mall's Activity Area -- Courageous Light.

Photo from Courageous Caitie Facebook page
Courageous Light is an exhibit celebrating the life of Caitlin Soleil Lucas, more known as Courageous Caitie. It was launched yesterday, August 6 which was also Caitie's birthday. The event featured a photo exhibit and activities for the kids. The event also had a schedule of upcoming fundraising talks, activities and workshops for parents and kids for four succeeding Saturdays. 

Aside from life size portraits of Caitie and her moments with her family, her parents also included her artworks and an array of her personal things as part of the exhibit.

I also had the chance to meet Caitie's parents, Tin and Jay jay Lucas yesterday as well as Caitie's brother Ethan. 

Few months ago, when Caitie's story made a buzz on news and social media, I silently wished that should I be given the chance to meet her mother, I would like to give her a hug. That came to happen yesterday when I met Tin and Jay jay during the launch. During our short conversation, I came to know where Caitie inherited her courageous spirit. Her parents exemplified the same virtue. At one point, I couldn't help but ask Tin how they were able to handle it given that what they have gone through was really a difficult situation. To which she replied with three words:

Faith in Jesus.

They were indeed a father and mother after God's own heart. While what they have gone through isn't easy, they still chose to surrender to God's plan believing that it will work out for the best. Their family is a proof of that Bible verse: You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. For sure, even in heaven, Caitie is proud having them as her parents during her short but meaningful stay on earth.  

Courageous Light photo exhibit will run from August 6-12 at the Activity Center of Gateway Mall and at Gateway Gallery (5th Floor) from August 13- September 3


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