Bonding with Moms at the Mommy Fleur x Bliss Bowls Brunch

I am temporarily taking a break from the series of delayed post to write about an event I attended about two weeks ago. I was invited by Fleur of the blog Mommy Fleur to a brunch meet up with some of her blog readers at Bliss Bowls in SM Megamall. I have been reading her blog and I won't deny that I also wanted to see the girl behind the stories I've been reading so the invitation was something I wouldn't miss for the world.

Photo: Mommy Fleur, Michelle Pineda
The meet up was held at Bliss Bowls. Most of us arrived at 10 am just as Fleur requested. Being the weekend lakwatsera that I am, I have been familiar about this place existing in Megamall but I only had the chance to try their products during the meet up. All of us shared our preferred smoothie bowls -- yummy treats that are basically thicker than your usual smoothie that you enjoy in a bowl. Their smoothies are made from pure fruits and vegetables topped with superfoods but what's surprising is it doesn't contain water, ice, dairy or sugar. It's a treat that anyone who's serious about dieting or even just wanting to eat healthy can enjoy without feeling deprived at all.

I am a sucker for strawberries, bananas and anything chocolate. So when Fleur asked us on her blog prior to the event about our smoothie of choice, I picked Cacao Kiss -- which is just what I got on the day!

This is my smoothie bowl side-by-side Mommy Lea's Green Dream. It's a mix of spinach, bananas, strawberry and mango.

We also got to try Amazing Kale. While I've known and seen kale in grocery stores, it was my first time to taste it at Bliss Bowls. It's got a mild leafy taste from the kale but the other components of the smoothie such as banana, strawberries, spirulina, coconut milk and chia seeds among others make a green leafy bowl a treat to the tastebuds.

Photo: Mommy Fleur, Michelle Pineda

Back with the event, I was hesitant to join at first despite the invitation because I knew most of them are legit moms and (working) housewives. It was funny though because there were cheers when I told them that I am the divergent in the group of species (read: single, no husband, just married -- to a job!)

Photo: Mommy Fleur, Michelle Pineda
What is a gathering without introductions and stories. Most of the ladies present were either stay at home or working moms. But of course, the highlight of the meet up is hearing stories from the event organizer, Fleur.

And as luck would have it, next to Fleur, I also got to meet Michelle Pineda. Next to being the "official event photographer", she is also Fleur's best friend. Her name rings a bell to me because of my brother Jay Ar (who is also in the same business of documenting events and weddings like her). Michelle is the owner of Michelle Pineda Photography. And just when I thought she was a client of my brother, apparently, she is one of Jay Ar's friends and is a ninang to my niece Sofia. So yes, this event was also a small world of some sorts :-)  She even asked me why I got hooked reading her friend's blog to think that it is a mommy blog (so what in the world does a single girl have to do with it, right? Well, the truth is next to a form of positive diversion, I'm not really sure. All I know is nakaka- good vibes ang mga kwento niya on her blog (at bakit ba, eh magiging misis din naman ako. Maghintay lang kayo! so might as well try to get some points to review and ponder about.)

They always say there's always a first time. But this is a first time that's worth it. I never thought that somehow I could kind of blend in a different crowd. And the experience felt good.

Bliss Bowls is at the 4th Floor Building A of SM Megamall Mandaluyong City


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