Vertigo Recovery By Food at Hideout52: A Late Post

 Just as the title stated, this one's another late post. I'm feeling and doing fine as of this writing compared to how I was in April when Kim and I went out to have an unplanned food trip at Hideout 52.

It was an afternoon in April 30 when Kim sent me a message asking when we could go out for a food trip. She was free (read: no scheduled events to attend). While I was just at home free to do anything that day, I was recovering from an episode of vertigo which started the day before. Two years ago, during my first vertigo episode, the doctor advised me that next to betahistine medication and some prescribed exercises, I was told to move whenever I could -- and yes, it included going out if my body permits it because next to dizziness, vertigo sufferers deal with balance issues at the same time. Thankfully, the medicines were working and my symptoms have subsided a bit. So upon getting a go signal from my mom, I went to see Kim for an impromptu food trip.

Kim ordered their murder burger and nachos while I had carbonara. Hideout 52 is an unassuming hang out place located along Manila East Road in Angono, Rizal few meters across from Iglesia ni Cristo. Their menu is interesting -- just as how delicious it is once it arrives on the table.

I loved how they prepared the carbonara. Warm and the noodles were cooked just right -- not tough nor rubber-y. Al dente it is. Nothing much to say with the sauce but I loved that there's mushrooms in it (I'm a sucker for mushrooms!) and they didn't scrimp on the amount or serving they placed in my order.

I didn't have the chance to taste Kim's murder burger. But I think it was good too because she was able to finish it -- despite that it's a huge burger and she's the only person to consume it. We also ordered their nachos (which we failed to photograph) which is also a must try. I'd like to think they make their own nachos because the way it was made and prepared is different from the store-bought ones.

These were the drinks we ordered. I forgot what Kim decided to get. While I had the strawberry smoothie.

This was how a vertigo-suffering customer looked like after finishing all the food we ordered. We stayed at the makeshift deck near the window. Overall, the experience we had there was okay. Save for the loud music, their food was good and affordable and their staff are accommodating too.Those are enough reasons for me to return there. 

Hideou52 is located along Manila East Road Angono Rizal


  1. I didn't like their burger. Not so beefy like what I expected (or was it not beef patty?)

    I liked their "Suspect" wings, but they defied the description on the menu. They were supposed to be the mildest one (SWEET and spicy), but they "burned" my mouth throughout. It was all spicy, not much variation of flavors.

    But I liked their shakes -- milky drinks are the perfect antidote for spicy wings. (no wonder, Indians drink yoghurt after a spicy meal).

    Oh dear, I should also post about Hideout 52 on my blog (I first went there last February, but I forgot to write an article about it).

  2. Their shakes are the best -- enough to relieve the umay from all the grease of the burger and creaminess of the pasta. Though maybe, if I'd return, I'm good with the smoothie and the nachos.

    Post mo rin your review of Hideout 52. Keri lang yan kahit nung Feb pa yun. Ako nga April pa di ba? Ngayon ko na lang din na-post :-)

  3. And yes, the music was too LOUD you have to literally shout out your orders.


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