I’m On This Quarter’s Issue of MoneySense Magazine!

When I was writing my bucketlist back in 2006, one of the things I included on that list was my dream to be featured in a magazine. I became a freelance writer interviewing different people and asking them different set of questions, and I admit there would be times when I would wonder how does it feel to be interviewed, much more be featured in a magazine and be read about by people.

A few months ago, I read the Facebook status from my friend, Excel asking if he could perhaps interview someone for the magazine he currently writes for. Who would have thought that the reply I sent in jest, saying I’m volunteering  myself for one of the categories would pave way for me to cross an item on my bucketlist.

The next thing I knew, I was already typing my responses to his interview questions related to my current career as a paralegal and asking the help of my colleagues Dubz and Mhea to do an impromptu shoot in the office after work hours to be sent to Excel and his editor.

The magazine was released in bookstores just weeks ago. I got my copy from National Bookstore’s branch in Megamall and as I type this down, while it’s indeed real that I am on its pages now, the feeling is still surreal! What was once a dream when I was just 22 is now reality at 32!

You can grab your copy of MoneySense Magazine’s Millennials & Money issue at major bookstores.


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