Two Cents Worth Wednesday: Bakit Single Ka Pa Rin by Velden Lim

I've been back to reading books this year. And I am succeeding one day at a time. Just weeks ago, I came across this book, Bakit Single Ka Pa Rin by Catholic preacher and The Feast builder Velden Lim during my visit to St. Paul's Megamall. His book was familiar because I learned about it during last year's Manila International Book Fair. While I did not immediately buy the book, it looks like this is a must in my reading list.I found a single copy in National Bookstore SM City Taytay and after a few minutes of contemplation, I eventually bought it.

Just like other books that discusses the subject of singlehood, I was hesitant about acquiring IT at first. Admittedly, I have serious fears on these kinds of books hahaha. But apparently, this one gave me a bang for the buck. The author addressed the topic in a informative yet relaxed (and often funny) way. Oo, parang nagkukwento lang talaga siya nang harapan sa mga tao. I never thought I would enjoy the book that it only took me two days to finish it. 

This book was able to quash a few stupid beliefs about love that single individuals have always believed to be "acceptable". The ones that some of us think "okay lang" are apparently not the case and were in fact hampering the accomplishment process if someone is serious about settling down and getting hitched to the right person. What I also liked about the book is how it clarified a few questions that I have always had and wanted to ask but never dared to do. 

Now, I know you'll ask me if this book is worth reading and if I would recommend this to my friends. I would say a resounding yes. And as to the question if I was able to find the answers to the annoying question "bakit single ka pa rin?", it's still a yes and I know better now how to hopefully resolve it.

Bakit Single Ka Pa Rin is available at Shepherd's Voice Publications, National Bookstore and St. Paul's branches.


  1. I love being single. XD

    PS Thanks for commenting on my picture on IG (the big red velvet cookie that I had at Coffee Project)


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