Rainy Days and Drama Marathons

Just as another school year started this month, my favorite season has also set in. Yup, rainy season is finally here. I can now breathe some relief that I can finally be spared from the scorching hot summer evenings and get some restful sleep at night. And next to curling in bed with books, or drinking hot tea (a very "Tita" activity) which I'm doing as I type this, another activity I found interesting these days are having these foreign drama marathons. Two on my list are A Love So Beautiful and Doctors. 
Photo: Wikipedia
I first learned about A Love So Beautiful from my former officemate Ayel while I was binge watching the episodes of It Started With A Kiss. At first, I was hesitant to take her recommendation simply because it might not be interesting enough. You see, the story was about two people in a plot that starts during their years in highschool, and we all know what highschool life is made up of. I was up to no good with the hesitation because when I decided to give it a shot at watch, I never expected that I would do so religiously.  While A Love So Beautiful may have began tackling highschool-related things and issues, it extended through college and eventually the lives of Chen Xiaoxi (Shen Yue) and Jiang Chen (Hu Yitian) together with their friends as adults. The story did also tackle the importance of friendship (the characters in the story are #SquadGoals), the struggles of a young relationship and how time, sincerity, forgiveness and effort can make a person win someone's heart back. 

I never thought I'd be that glued to the series that I was able to finish all the episodes two weeks before it concluded its Philippine TV release last Friday. 

Photo: ABS CBN
And while It's been a long time since I watched Korean dramas, I found myself interested in one, Doctors (or more known here in the Philippines as Doctor Crush) that stars Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won. I just started to seriously watch it around its third week of airing (so I had to find the first 10 episodes) and I never thought medical romance drama could leave me both giddy and interested at the same time. Odd as it may seem but during the course of watching the series, I realized that some TV shows could sometimes remind you of a lot of things: from a career path you once thought of pursuing to a kind of life that you could have lived (if you decided to follow "that path"). And not to miss about the show is getting a few wisdom on love and relationship, thoughts about family, justice and compassion and of course, some crash lessons on medical science (blood, gore and lots of brain tissue together with the medical terms) given that the characters in the story portray the role of neurosurgeons  for the fictional Gukil Medical Center.

I enjoyed Park Shin Hye's character who from a troubled teenager, turned to be the compassionate, kick-ass neurosurgeon Yoo Hye-jung. Kim Rae Won's character as the highschool teacher end eventually neurosurgeon Hong Ji-hong is a joy to watch as well. Their lines on the series might be straightforward but a number of it are heart-fluttering and worth pondering about. This Kdrama is aired late nights and while it might mean hitting the sheets a bit later than usual, I guess I won't mind doing so-- even if it might mean seeing brain surgeries in my dreams. The episodes could also be watched online but I opted to restrain myself just to prevent preempting the suspense and kilig (if ever) on what's gonna happen next And as if watching this nightly isn't enough, I also have the soundtrack on my playlist -- good for rainy night listening sessions. 


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