A Quiet Birthday

As of this writing, I just got back to work for two days after taking a vacation. I turned another year older three days ago and given that I rarely take a time off, I took my birthday as my chance to get some time to rest. 

I still reported for work on All Soul's Day through it was technically a holiday. I've been used to being in the office during holidays except on four days: Christmas Day, the last day of the year, New Year's Day and Good Friday, It's been sort of a tradition in our group for a birthday celebrant to feed the constituents of our little baranggay. And here's us before having our lunch of pizza and chicken wings (which was not pictured here). We grabbed the affordable deal from S&R Pizza that day! From folks of 12, we were down to six that day as the others opted to grab the chance of having a holiday leave.

Nothing much really happened on my birthday. I did not plan anything "grand" to celebrate. Instead, it was a low-key celebration on an ordinary day. I simply stayed home the whole day and finished a book that I've intended to read. One of of the main reasons I filed for a leave aside from rest was to catch up on sleep and use the time to help Mama with the errands related to taking care of Papa and his needs. But that doesn't mean forgetting to pray and saying those words of thanks for being granted with another year. After having lunch, I traveled to Taytay, Rizal's St. John the Baptist Parish. Yes, the same church where my parents got married, to say my prayers and pay the place a long-overdue visit.Next to the gratitude for being blessed with another year, I'm just thankful that I still have Papa with us for my birthday -- even if in reality, this might possibly be the last.

The next day, I took another afternoon off to fall in line in the cinema to watch Bohemian Rhapsody which is the 11th movie for my pet project. I've been trying to fulfill my 12 Movies Project for two years. While I wasn't even born during the era where Freddie Mercury and Queen became famous, I grew up loving their songs. I enjoyed the movie likewise. I'd like to believe that I am indeed an old soul.

I returned to the office yesterday refreshed. Unplugging from daily routine even for just a couple of days can have advantages. And just when I thought the shenanigans are over, these guys from my team gave me a small belated celebration in the middle of my busy workday. It's my first time to celebrate my birthday in our new workfloor (we've been here for a month now!) and my seventh birthday in the office with these guys.And being with them somehow lightens up the load -- not just from work but even those personal matters for we treat our little baranggay as a family.

Four days of simple solitude. I did not ask for anything anymore for the traditional birthday wish. I may not have received much birthday greetings from people but I received one from those who truly mattered anyway-- and that is what's important. I guess that's how it really is when one gets old. You just crave for silence and simplicity and you know you're very much fine with that.


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