Shred and Burn

Pulbusin mo anay ang kulungang kahon. Palayain ako sa aking kahapon.

-Pinaglumaan, Allan Popa-

Those lines from an old poem was echoing in my head as I spent my birthday night doing something radical. As everyone in the house retired from a tiring day and slept, I found myself taking out this thick, heavy photo album from my bookshelf and removed a few pages worth of photos.

The next thing I knew, I was slumped on the floor tearing and shredding the photographs from the first four pages with my bare fingers. I tore them into pieces to the last photo until my fingertips hurt.

Those were photos from the last five years or so. I won't deny it, my birthday is gloomy this year because next to my family's ordeal, I am also going through a rough patch of an irreparable kind.

But this time, rather than dwelling too much on it, I decided to do my part to move on. And part of it was getting rid of those photos to start getting rid of the memories. After all, I no longer see the point of keeping those photographs anymore.

And call it odd but as I tore down those photos, there was no hint of tear, anger or sadness. Unlike in previous times that such chore included tons of drama. I kept the torn photos underneath my bed and burned all of them first thing the next day.  

I don't know but I guess, there's really no use with keeping those anyway. And I hope that move would do me good to move forward and start anew.

Photo: @thegoodquote on Instagram


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