Emotional Decluttering

Marie Kondo and her KonMari method has been a trending topic for quite some time. It involves clearing your closet of something that no longer spark joy. I've always looked forward to applying this in my own life given that I've gained a lot of clutter over the years but then, I will need time just to do it.

Unconsciously, while I have yet to apply this in the usual way that it was designed for, I didn't imagine that I'd be able to use this manner of decluttering for something else: putting the emotional side of my life in order. The perfect example of such was how my life was like the past year. It was now that I realized how cluttered it was. My life involved connections that no longer spark joy and yet I still kept it -- as if I was keeping a lot of things that is no longer serving me well. 

But this year, I came to a decision of cleaning my life out of unnecessary clutter. While I was browsing my Instagram feed weeks ago, I came across these words of singer and songwriter Erykah Badu: 

Evolving involves eliminating. 

Those were seriously powerful words that made sense. 

While I know it's not easy, I just knew I had to remove toxic relationships in my life's equation just so I can move forward. I know what I deserve. I deserve better relationships -- those that won't compromise my sanity and emotions and instead encourage me to be a better person. At first it was hard but I knew I couldn't reach something new if my emotional tank is filled with nothing but yesterday's toxic relationships, shit and junk. 

I learned that getting old does not only reveal the presence of gray hair, crow's feet or even wrinkles. It can also unveil the true character of people.

So I decluttered by cutting off  all means of communication including phonecalls and social media accounts. Yes, it's hard at first pero inisip ko na totoo rin ang linya na sinabi ng isang senador na napanood ko online: once you let go, better things happen. And honestly, I never felt at peace after doing so. 

I guess, it was just right that I prioritized my sanity and emotions in deciding to declutter emotionally. And if there's one piece of advice I can pass on to others, it's this one thing: To not be afraid of terminating relationships (even friendships) especially when it is no longer serving its real purpose to your life. Doing so will be something your inner self will thank you for.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.