My Blog is 14 Years Old!

A few weeks ago, I browsed through my posts in this blog, and after reading the first entry I wrote and published from 2008, I realized, I have been keeping this blog and writing my thoughts for 14 years.

It was not Blogger that served as my original platform. I was introduced to blogging through Friendster in 2005, and I must say that during that time, I just wanted to try it, and have an idea of what the hype back then was about. When Friendster was at the brink of losing its popularity, I started looking for another platform, and found Blogger in February 2008. 

I still have my entries from my old Friendster blog from 2005 which I salvaged and transferred manually in Blogger and set to private mode. Those were stories related to my life after I graduated from college, first job blues, a few unpublished literary work, and my thoughts about my first relationship and what I felt when that boyfriend (now an ex) and I broke up years later.

Now back to this blog, the real purpose of this blog was just to be a place to share my discoveries, and as a way for me to continue to practice and improve my writing skills. My blog may be that old, but I only did three design revamps, two of which were generic designs available on the platform, while this recent design was created with the recommendation and help of my techie author-friend, Beth G. 

While this was a space to spill out my thoughts and ideas about a lot of things, to gain readership wasn't really one of my aims when I started blogging. But in the  years that I was writing and publishing posts about various topics, I also had the chance to virtually interact with some readers who happen to find my blog by accident. Some of them even became my friends which I get to bond with every now and then when our schedules permit. And it's something I consider to be a bonus. 

14 years and more than 600 stories. I am aware that I don't post entries often these days compared to the time I was starting in 2008. But that's because I am also busy discovering new things when I am offline and away from my keyboard. I can attest to writing as a therapeutic activity, but since I decided to maintain this as a "lifestyle blog", I made a separate blog that housed the emotions and words that the introvert nerd that I am couldn't openly express or communicate to people. That's because I would like to maintain the purpose of this space as its title suggests. 

To make this a place where I can find some peace and quiet that can somehow tone down the noise of a chaotic world.  



Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.