Birthday Girl's Thursday Wishlist

I am turning another year older, (25 to be exact) four Thursdays from now. And while I have some valid fears of getting one more year added to my age, I know there are still some things in my wishlist that I hope to get, receive and make happen. While I have shared some of my dreams to one of my friends Paulo, some of it already happened earlier than I thought.

But as funny as it sounds, the easiest of; my birthday wishes are what has been keeping so long to be fulfilled. In the middle of last night's black out, I was pondering about them. So for four Thursdays, I'll be sharing with you some of those silly but I can't hardly wait to get on my wish list for next month.

starting with Wish Number 1:

The Books I'm Dying To Read

All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten. This is the first book I'm dying to have on my list. For such a long time, I've been so intrigued about the lessons in this book by Robert Fulghum. This is actually an old book published back in 1986 but then I suppose it's still worth the wait, and the price. It doesn't matter to me if they are old books (meaning published way, way back) after all, I have Norman Vincent Peale's Power of the Plus Factor which is another old book. Old books to me actually have a lot of witty wisdom.

40 Stories of Passion. I remember beginning the year with the wish to have this book by my favorite Filipino author Bo Sanchez. I've browsed on the pages which contained inspiring stories from people such as Dylan Wilk (the rich British guy who sold his property and donated the money to Gawad Kalinga) and Soccoro Ramos, the Nanay Coring behind the success of National Bookstore. And probably, I'll really be able to get this book before the year ends.

12 Steps to Build Wealth on Any Income. Being a writer, I was once tasked to ask for the permission of this book's author, Alvin Tabañag if I could use and quote his article into the assignment I once had for the magazine. And from then I have been receiving practical tips from him through email regarding financial management. Being a financial planner, his tips are actually witty with a twist of humor. And guess what, days ago, he sent me an email and when I told him I plan to get a copy of his book, he actually told me, "no, I'll send you a complimentary copy." Now talk about the perks of being a writer. I really can't wait to receive this surprise.

Can You Keep a Secret?
This was the first book I browsed about the author Sophie Kinsella (which is by the way, the author's pseudonym. Yep. Sophie Kinsella is not her real name readers!) courtesy of my former co-teacher Scarlette Flores who's now a happy newlywed based in South Africa. This book is somewhat like a compilations of a girl's well-kept secrets shared to her readers. Now talk about courage and liberal thinking, maybe I'll get a lot from her.

Michael Jackson Commemorative books. Though I'm not much a huge fan of Michael Jackson, I grew up to singing and falling for his songs. That's why it's one big surprise for me when Ms. Bot, our Events Officer at MMLDC told me casually about his untimely demise. And I still find a lot of things about him quite intriguing. In a way having these books would also be a good addition to my growing bookshelf--oh and a good reference when the day comes and my kids will ask me, "Mom, who's Michael Jackson?".

Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul. My friends always give me this weird and surprised look when they found out that I've been collecting books about marriage and having kids. To think that I'm only pushing 25. Practically, their reactions tell me I'm still young. But to one explanation I give. I want to put things to practice in the near future and this is a good step in preparation to that. And when I learned that one of the people I'm assigned to do an interview with runs a coaching program, I got interested with their program on parenting. At the back of my head, I thought, I'll be enrolling in this program later on.

That's just a few of the titles. Lots of books to read but that's just some of the titles I'm dying to have. Maybe, I'll squeeze reading them in once my time lends me precious minutes to savor the words and the lessons I'll get from these brilliant friends. These days, I have devoted my time to my task as a writer and (semi) editor. But then I do enjoy both. Just like what my friend Joy Cabaltera said, it's okay just as long as may pera to buy the books.

And she's right with that. Now if you'd wish to send me any of these titles as a real birthday present, I will really, really appreciate that. One of the things and reasons my 25th year will be happy.

Keep posted on the next batch of wishes.



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