There are Heroes in These Giving Souls

After a stormy weekend, I was able to go out and check the whole aftermath of the typhoon. Arriving at the office, things are a bit different. Compared to how is normally was, the whole lobby was silent. Some of the people I knew have their story to tell. One of my bosses only reached his family 11 AM of Sunday; searching for the shortest way to get home to his family in Provident Village; my managing editor's daughter had to walk much distance just to get home.

My family was fortunate that we were not directly hit by the effects (including the flood) but seeing the water current gushing down the slopes is indeed scary. There are a lot of things to be thankful for. Days past the typhoon from my friends to my bosses to the people I don't know so much have the same words to say "kamusta? hindi ka ba binaha?"

But on the other hand, despite that circumstance, there still are souls who decided to still be of service. One of my friends decided to go on duty in the midst of the destructive typhoon and work as an event marshall to assist the clients who were in the office; my family here was entertaining my relatives who we decided to stay here since their house got ransacked by the flood. A colleague decided to spent her final day at work asking co-employees to volunteer for a cause.

Indeed there are a lot to be thankful for. In the aftermath of the destructive typhoon are these images:

People in MMLDC decided to heed the call to be of service; people including the lineman trainees braved off the high-level waters despite the possible dangers with it. In the midst of power interruptions last Saturday, I realized this was the first time that I wasn't complaining. At the back of my head, I am assured that there are these people who are on their way to serve. That instead of whinning and complaining, there was sincere praise.

Indeed, things like this do make me proud. To be who I am. Bless these souls for their humility.

photos courtesy of Fred Olase Jr., Ms. Maria Paz Pascua and MMLDC Facebook account.


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