Ho-ho- Holidays

Writing on Christmas Day. This was how exactly my holidays went. For ten straight nights I've been seriously devoting time for the 8pm Simbang Gabi which has been one of my spontaneous missions this year. I'd say spontaneous because I really never thought of it for months before; not until the last week of November.

And this year is my fourth time of doing this one. Despite impending parties here and there, I was really putting it to schedule; making it a priority. The final evening of Simbang Gabi, I took some time to treat myself over float and fries at McDonalds; at the back of my head, more than just wishing for something as one of the reasons for attending and devotedly going to the Simbang Gabi, I was nonetheless happy completing this task. Upon seeing the said achievement posted on my Facebook page, people started asking what my secret wish was (they say that when you wish during those nine nights it will come true).

Yes, I had a wish too but unfortunately like what I used to say, I would rather have that for myself.

And it feels good to just be within the premises of the mall (which I tried doing because the mall's open till 21 midnight during the 23rd) watching people while having fun myself.

I spent the 24th at home with mom helping her over the preparations for the Noche Buena which I really enjoyed while responding to the messges of friends over text, YM and Facebook (talk about multi-tasking)


It was among the most simple Christmases I had. Funny and surprisingly, while I feared for a cold, blue Christmas months and months passed, as I see it now, it was the other way around. Next up will be the New Year; for sure this one will also be a blast.

Merry Christmas everybody.


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