The Birthday Wish is In...Before Christmas

I know I have posted a wishlist for my birthday a month ago regarding the books I've been dying to read and to have in my possession of course. Now let me tell you what happened.

While that list was more of "wish ko lang" thoughts, this morning the author of one of the books I listed, Alvin Tabañag sent me a text message informing me that their distribution officer is coming to the nearest branch of National Bookstore in my area to hand me the complimentary (READ: FREE) copy of his book.

I came to know Sir Alvin because of my job as a writer when I needed to obtain his permission to use his article in one of the issues of Highlights this year (yeah you need to ask the permission of the author not unless you want to be condemned and jailed for Plagiarism.

It will be stupid to refuse so obviously, I said yes. Everyone knows (okay except for J) I'm a huge nerd who loves digesting the pages of a good book if that's the idea of what a good read is. And so after some hours, I finally had the copy of the book at hand.

Freebies. Call it among the perks of my job but actually, it really is among them. I suppose I'm among those lucky ones to be entitled to these simple joys.

Yes, of course I'm ecstatic over this surprise that came days before Christmas instead. And I'm excited about opening and immersing through the pages of the book. It's still unopened as of this writing.

photo courtesy of National Bookstore Online


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