Dream Number 4

This was supposed to be written yesterday but I was absolutely busy and besides my photographic memory is still vivid to postpone writing for another day.

So this is another dream. Lately, I've been jotting down dreams and slumber-related stuff and hoping to figure out what those things mean. And just a night ago, this one happened.

Stormy days are here again and in my dream, I met my doctor who I saw some six months ago. The dream implied about me getting some vaccines from my doctor. I remember being told about getting two essential vaccines that I need to combat flu and asthma attacks dung the rainy days but up to now, I didn't tried getting one.

And these months have been showing some rainy days and I'm afraid in some ways since the rainy days is one of my enemies.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.