Enjoying a Day Off

Since I've been through with the first leg of the race (including the third issue's magazine articles and the SBMDP impact study) I guess it's time for a much needed and anticipated break. Being on the go the whole day of Tuesday (I started my day at 4 am until 12 midnight--that's a record-breaking 20 hours of being up and wild awake), I needed the whole Wednesday to rest, sleep, eat and blog.

Come Thursday was payback time. But while I was really, really looking forward to racing to the nearest mall, just some important advertisements.

Swinging by the office, I turned over the photos of the first leg of the SBMDP study at the Academic Services department where I also found Ernest and proud daddy Sir Rye (who I think still has hangover with his paternity leave =p). Meanwhile in marketing I met my editors in Highlights. I had to do some revisions on one of the articles that I wrote (and despite they're just minor, I was still washed up arranging the words). Upon seeing me, my dear editor-in-chief remembered about who to feature for the upcoming magazine issue.  Lunch time was spent with him together with the office people; goofing off and laughing one conversation after the other.

After doing the business at work, it's time for us to do some bonding time. This is mom smiling for the camera. After the tasks, we both deserve this treat so off we went to the mall. Too bad however, I was an hour late for our appointment. Spent hours visiting shops. My mom's actually my personal shopper--she knows fashion and what fits more than I do.

Got this shirt from Bizaare. Since most of my shirts are in red, I decided to opt for purple for a change. I also bought another one in pink.

My colleagues and friends are telling me I look thin in my photos, because I don't eat that much especially when I'm darn busy. But today, I'd forgo with the schedule. Food is one of the reasons I'd love malling too. I've been into fruits lately; from santol last week to grapes and oranges days ago. And this one's what I've been missing a lot--my ultimate comfort food, pancit palabok. Pinoy na Pinoy.

Coming home, the highlight of all the whole thing is giving this gift to my nephew. He asked me for this pillow as my gift for his birthday. While this one's kinda pricey, I don't have time to care. After all, a promise is a promise and nothing else feels great seeing everyone happy.

Next week is going to be an agenda full of activities. I better start writing down my to do list lest, I'd forget them.


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