My Best Friend's Wedding

My grade school best friend Barbie Bell Vi Ariquez became Mrs. Jeffrey Carandang over the weekend through a solemn church wedding held at St. Clement Parish Angono Rizal. It was such a sweet surprise as this wedding is the first meeting for Barbie and I after 13 years. While I took my camera with me to the wedding, I decided to borrow some shots from fellow bridesmaid Celine Ugat who took nice shots--I simply needed the help of Adobe Photoshop to adjust some settings, as these photos were dim. The ceremony was attended by the bride and groom's immediate families and colleagues. Oh, and not to forget the wedding is among those things that made me disappear for a few days from my social networking account. The other reason will be posted next.

A few months prior to this wedding, Barbie and I had been connected over the social networking site and from there exchanged stories. It was in early January when she told me that she was off to tie the knot and asked me to be one of her bridesmaids with one of the groom's relatives as my partner. Originally set for February, the wedding was moved to April because of a lot of circumstances and there really were a lot of it. After all, being one of the member of her entourage, I've witnessed how the preparations were and it wasn't that really easy.

Anyway, back to the wedding like what I said it was one nice affair. A jolly one indeed. Everyone had their role to play. Most weddings tend to be way too expensive because couples hire and pay for a wedding planner or coordinator but in Barbie's case it was a brilliant move to have one of her friends to do that. And the wedding cake that's pictured above was taken cared of by the bride's friends from Accenture. All Barbz needed was state the design and flavor that she wanted and VOILA! The bride's wish is their command.

During the couple's toast we were rooting for Barbie as there is this superstition that the first to finish up the wine will rule the marriage and as luck would have it, she did! Way to go girl!

The dove supposedly should come in two but when it was their turn, Barbie accidentally let go of the other one so of it went and the couple just sent off one into the air.

Days before their wedding, I found these words: Marriage is a leap of faith. But it takes faith in God, faith in people and faith in each other for two individuals to decide and take that huge leap. And these two proved it as they had already took that leap. Congratulations Barbie and Jeff. Barbz, your name now has a dash as you have found your Ken in your dashing husband. Cheers to a happy and more meaningful life together.


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