Easter Surprise

Day 4 of the long vacation and probably, one of the things that I had mastered in those work-free days was one of the habits of childhood -- afternoon naps. And today's Easter Sunday. Just for a change, I hopped over to Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord in SM Megamall for the Easter Sunday Mass. It has been a long time since I went there.

During the Homily by Father Jason Laguerta (he's among my favorite priests next to Father Roy from our parish) Easter was compared to celebrating one's birthday, not as a kid, but an older person. He was right in saying that when one gets older, they tend to celebrate birthdays differently -- they prefer lesser parties and keeping it quiet and simple instead. I could relate to it because I had started having "quiet birthdays" when I turned 25, so yes, you could put it that I got old early.

I was also hoping to catch a movie this afternoon. I know it's sappy and cheesy but I've been wanting to watch It Takes a Man and a Woman since Saturday though . However, because the lines were horrible (yup, even if it's showing on four cinemas in Megamall) I decided to let go and instead go somewhere else. The movie date would have to wait.

After seeing my former colleague Ken who was with his wife, Mircel for a weekend date, I checked out Powerbooks and I guess I'm such a lucky girl because I found this book, Table for Two by Marla Miniano. This is one of the best chick lit books that I have read years ago. Just like what happened to my copy of Vince's Life the Wedding, my first copy was borrowed by an office mate and was never returned. So when an event involving a hole in the wall coffee shop happened to me months ago, I immediately thought of this book and missed reading this again. I owe Powebooks one because if I never chanced upon this, my last resort was to go to National Bookstore in Greenhills to obtain a copy. The best thing? Powerbooks had the copy at half the price so I did not think twice and paid for it -- for the love of my guilty pleasure.

I still have a day in my long vacation left. Tomorrow there will  be two events coinciding in a day. Curious? Try finding me on Facebook tomorrow and you'll find out why.


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