Dinner With the Girls

Just for a change, I went out to dinner last night with my college girl pals Lord Apple and Joy. Lately, I've been seeing myself out for coffee dates with Joy and while it's been normal to the two of us, this time we decided to have Apple with us after all, these two girls are busy career ladies too--Joy with the family business and Apple being a copy editor.

Funny but the university was having its alumni homecoming as we were having our girls night out. We had a reunion of our own.

We've gone too far and things had changed the way I perceived it particularly to these two damsels. From dashing lady editors five years back in college, our worlds are now turned. Over dinner they were talking about politics and their stories to which I just listen. Joy is blooming nowadays and it made me happy just to hear her say earlier before dinner that she might be ending her single state anytime this year. Apple on the other hand has loads full of stories to tell about the family after all, she's also a mom and a wife. And I loved Apple's look last night--from those dashing glasses and that lips that I compared to Anne Curtis and Joy's new look too as she resembled a TV villainess hahaha! :-p

As for me, I decided to be the listener and I don't mind being that. After all, I don't have any other agendas lately except work which is my real primary concern. The other things, will just be dealt some other time--after all those things can wait.


  1. Well, while we were having dinner, YOU DONT HAVE PROBLEMS YET. You discovered it when you came home. Haha.

  2. Ahahaha! Oo nga no? pag-uwi ko whine, whine rin pala ko sa inyong tatlo.

    So in a way may moment rin ako. :-D

  3. Oo. Kaso late ang whining mo. Haha.

  4. Eh kasi nga late rin yung dating di ba? But actually I had a feeling na dun palang sa resto that something was wrong.


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