Fishball Perceptions Moves to A New Home

Watch out for the big switch soon!

That is because Friendster has already started notifying their subscribers that they are doing a big revamp on their site. Upon hearing this, I got more concerned of moving my blog entries rather than having my profile kept for their new format.

You see, Friendster hosted my first blog entry when I started joining the blogging bandwagon five years ago. And prior to having Zone of Solitude, Fishball Perceptions housed my thoughts about life and the world. And erasing five year's worth of memories sure isn't that easy.

So, please pardon me if I will be going on a temporary hiatus as I'll be doing a little "house hunting" for this blog. Housewarming will follow next and that I promise.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.