What Made My April

As I write this down, I'm on a morning coffee indulgence. The past months, I have stopped infusing my system with caffeine and so, I just do that whenever I get the weekend mornings off. The month's almost halfway through; likewise, there are some things that have highlighted my April (well, that's of course aside from acquiring Bogs) such as these:

My brother JR finally graduated from FEU with a degree in advertising arts last April 14th. Being the doting ate, from shelling off allowance for his extra-curricular stuff (read: gimik Lol) I'm now consulted by him again for job hunting tips. Welcome to the real world, bru!

I scored some feathers for my cap again. Just before the weekend and another bout with migraine, I had to attend the awards and recognition day at work. I was actually hesitant after realizing that I did not make it to the cut to the final three (because I landed fourth :-p) but well, while it's not the moment yet, I was awarded these thingamajings -- including a certificate excellence for a commendation I received last March 30th.

And I am into books, books and books. While I had to say goodbye to three titles in my little library that went to charity for the office book drive, I recently bought two titles to indulge in. Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go and Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish Mr. Ishiguro's book as I'd like to think I felt all too tired with the long journey and tiny font styles given the additional fact that the time I was mixing reading and working at the office at the same time. It was also hard for me to go through imagineering (thanks for that word Steven Spielberg) a love triangle between three clones (go read the book to find out how). But while I stopped at chapter 16, I will plan to reread the whole thing again once I finish the current book.

Sunday's at Tiffany's on the other hand is by so far, one of the best books I have read to date. While I am a bookworm by heart, not all novels to me are appealing (except for Nicholas Sparks's A Walk to Remember and Jude Devereaux's A Knight in Shining Armor). After all, I don't just read. I paint portraits and images and travel with my mind through the books that I read. I'm really enjoy the adventure I am getting -- from traveling through another country to painting a portrait on my head as to what Michael could look like.

I'm halfway in reading the book. And I don't mind staying up for a few hours late at night as the book's too addicting. For real. But I'll have to put the book down first as I've got to go to church later.


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