Fighting the Heat of Summer

A line from an old song goes, "the heat is on". And I know you will agree with me when I say that the weather these days had been so crazy. I hold office at one of the country's budding business district and my schedule converted me from a former night owl in the advertising industry to a day person. And since the ungodly hot weather strikes most in the morning and mid afternoon, going out of the building to grab a cup of iced joe or even fast food bites is such a harsh activity lately. If there could be modern-day vampires (aside from Edward Cullen of course), then you can count me in.

Like other people, I try to do some alternative to lessen the agony of this season. Take it from these photos:

While I was lucky to be given a day off for Australian Anzac Day last Wednesday, I took the chance to pay my favorite hairdresser a visit. It has been months since I had my haircut and while my hair had grown slower since I went for a bob cut four years ago, it has been long enough to cover my nape and just makes me more uncomfortable especially in the afternoons when the temperature shoots the highest.

I also sport wearing summer dresses and cotton sleeveless tops whenever I am just at home. The summer dress I am wearing on that photo was from SM. I think I got that for PhP 199 (about $5) and it's one of my favorite items in my closet lately.

The other thing that people do these days to feel at ease with the weather is going to malls. We're too far from Antartica or even the North Pole, so the most accessible place similar to their temperature are our shopping malls. Given that I had a bit of a tough week at work, I decided to give myself a treat this afternoon and ordered a Spam with cheese and egg sandwich and a tall iced tea from Starbucks. While the sandwich was originally a breakfast item, it was sufficient fill me. Their iced tea is not like the usual teas out there. They use real (as in brewed) tea and it's evident with the taste and the dark color. Now with regards to the price, I'd say I got my money's worth with what I had.

What about you? Any tips that you can share on how you ward off the summer heat?


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