Impromptu Wish List

Kyowa Blender (SM Appliance Center), Black leather bag (SM Department Store), Kara Nina make-up bag (SM Department Store), The Choice and Reader's Digest (National Bookstore) 

I used to create a wish list a week or so before my birthday. But for this year, I decided to forgo with it and just be spontaneous (but still not becoming a huge shopaholic, so nothing to worry).

And so on my big day, I practically bought the things I so wanted (but I know I need as well). The justification for the items pictured above are as follows:

The blender. I am addicted to the show Junior Master Chef lately. And being 27 and thinking about getting married eventually, I just know (and it's important) I have to hone those kitchen skills so I started investing on kitchen gadgets. Now I can make those smoothies that I used to spend much on even if I am at home, minus hurting my pocket.

A black leather bag. Since the beige leather that my aunt from Canada gave me had started showing signs of irrevocable (read: irrepairable) resignation, I decided raid SM's shelves for replacement. Originally, I was thinking of buying a leather doctor's bag just so I won't need to lug a huge one whenever I go out but I purchased this black shoulder bag instead since it's spacious and it could fit my netbook as well.

A cosmetic bag. Make- up has been a staple item in my bag for a long time now. It's among the things I invested to as well. This make-up tote bag from Kara Nina is enough to hold my beauty essentials plus it will save me time from looking for the items in my bag. Not to mention given the red, white and green prints, it looks Christmas-y too.

This month's issue of Reader's Digest and a copy of The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. I am a bookworm so these items are part of my brain diet. I know in the previous post that I would like to own The Best of Me but I opted for another title the last minute. I'll probably have the other book some other time. By the way, I also got a back issue of Reader's Digest together with its new issue for PhP 160. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. What a steal indeed

I'm giddy with what I have got, seriously. How about you, what have you purchased recently? Drop me a note and let's talk about it here.


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