What I Gave Myself for the First 30 Days

I've been away for quite a while from blogging. I have been fairly busy with a lot of things both at home and mostly at work. From my brother's unexpected surgery (which was a success) to working out things with our finance department for a matter that has long been overdue, which I finally got last Monday.

And speaking of work, today happens to be my first month in the law firm. And I am not at the office. Instead, I am staying at home as today is a Maundy Thursday. For hitting a great first month, I decided to get something for myself last week.

I have always been curious about QWERTY-type phones so I decided to get myself a Nokia X2-01. I did not really check the other types for two reasons: 1) the other phones are way too pricey, and 2) this really was my first choice. When I first saw this in a Nokia store in SM City Taytay, I already knew this is the type of phone that I would want and nothing else. But because this is my first time to own this kind of phone, I admit that I am having quite a hard time but reading the manuals and Nokia's online tech support helps. I was hoping that I would get a different color but the store where I got this only had the black one and blue (which is so boyish). I opted to get the black instead thinking that it still looks sophisticated (but my office mate K, calls it "posh" :-p)

On the other hand, there are a few things I had picked up on my first month at the firm. I'm both lucky and thankful that though my bosses are Australian lawyers (yup, I work for a law firm from the Land Down Under), they're diplomatic, forgiving and cool. Of course, I'd commit mistakes once in a while but because they teach me how to do things in an encouraging manner, I really try my best to make up for those glitches and do things better (if not best) on the second attempt. And they don't hesitate to give compliments for each and every job well done. 

Now, if you've got people like them for a boss, who would not be inspired to work hard?

My relatives, upon knowing that I work for a law firm, once suggested that I  go to law school and become a lawyer. And while I enjoy learning and at times studying the law-related jargons, I had to give them an adamant no for a response. I'm happy with what I am doing and I guess, that happiness suffices me for now.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.