A Chinese New Year Post

Blogging with Rico Blanco's Your Universe playing from my Nokia X2-01. The recent weeks has kept my hands tied up with things to do in the office. It extended till yesterday because I had to attend a community meeting in behalf of my parents. But nevertheless, I was able to make it through the busy week.

Today is Chinese New Year. Officially, it's the Year of the Water Snake so, Kung Hei Fat Choi! Prior to Chinese New Year, Eastwood City has been decorated in line with this event.

These red Japanese lanterns are a sight to behold whenever I pass by to the office on early mornings. And apart from these red decors, the management of Eastwood City also has those 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac lined up. 

Keep CALM and get PROMOTED. Check!

I was born under the Rat sign and it was easy to locate. I immediately looked for the thing that says about my career and found the words in the photo above. Now, before seeing this, I had kept a scrapbook of my bucket list for this year ahead and among those were hopefully getting a promotion. So coming across this is one nice coincidence. They say it's possible so I'll need to exert effort -- a little more extra to it.

It is not the fault of our stars.
I really did not intend to know their prediction when it comes to my sign's romance department although it said that I'll be able to meet more new people this year. I just took this photo to know who I could be "compatible" with. It's not the fault of the stars but I rather believe that some things are more a product of God's Divine Intervention. That the things that happen now and those surprising revelations that I get to find out are part of what God has designed.

And if there's one thing I associate more with Chinese New Year aside from Feng Shui, it's tikoy


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