Bonsai Day Thursday

One of the things I like about being in Eastwood is being able to attend to some "extra-curricular activities" minus the possibility of going through "overbreaks". In the four years that Eastwood had been my office location, I have tried some fun and relaxing activities -- from (window) shopping during lunchtime, stopping by to watch our homegrown bands perform before heading to work (when I was still on the night shift) to raiding the morning Food Market at CityWalk before I enter the office for my 6:30 am shift. Little things like that enabled me to get a work-life balance.

Just this week, Eastwood City became the venue for The Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention and Exhibition. I've always passed by the area and given that the open park is just three minutes away from the office building, and through the invitation of another office mate who I call Mommy P, we decided to drop by and take a look during one of our lunch breaks.

There were about 200 bonsai plants on exhibit. I just picked a few but trust me, the exhibit itself was a sight to behold. Some of the plants got me mesmerized style wise and some of them got me intrigued. Case in point that fourth photo from the top left. I was really intrigued by those tiny growing plants on the rock formation.

I just had to take a closer shot because I thought it's synthetic -- just like the glow in the dark toys that kids have. But in reality those were real plants taking refuge on the rock together with the moss.

This caught my attention as it does not display leaves at all. It even reminded me of a mythical creature from Greek mythology that I learned from my Literature subject in college. It just made me call this as Medusa. And just as Mommy P and I was thinking how'd they do it, I think we found the answer:

Sorry kuya but I had to take a picture of how you do it a least on a different and bigger plant. We also found a few stalls selling bonsai plants and other planting materials.

There were also a suiseki exhibit by the Natural Stone Society of the Philippines. The exhibit is free and open to the public and will run until June 5. So if you will be within the area until Wednesday, give it a peak. Trust me, if we enjoyed it, for sure you would too. It's worth the walk in the park. 


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.