Happiness Simplified

This is a long weekend at least for me. I had been on leave since the 24th. Over the past month, I had planned and promised myself that I will take a short vacation right after the midterm elections (I was actually planning to do it two weeks after). For the reason that aside from what has been a month, I realized that since working at the firm for a year and two months, I really have not tried to "take a break". Things had been good, aside from the fact that I had no pending jobs at the office and was able to partially turn-over the accounting task to our new recruit so I guess, I deserve some "me time".

I'm getting the most of it. Except on Friday, I had to wake up early and leave for the airport and took the opportunity of taking a long afternoon siesta which I have not done for so long. Yesterday afternoon, I found myself sitting inside the coffee shop after what has been a long time. In that place, over a cup of Moroccan Mint Tea and lemon square while Switchfoot's Dare You To Move was playing, I indulged in a novel and was finally able to finish Fairy Tale Fail by Mina Esguerra. I've had that book for weeks and it was indeed an indulgent read. It made me to further attest that books are one of the best companions (especially for a single girl like me), as it keeps my mind busy with something worthwhile even if I am on rest and relaxation mode.

I'm still on "Chick Lit" hangover as of the moment so I could not divulge a lot about the book. I'll write about it in a future post but for me it's a good one. And as per some two cents worth, these lines won me over:

"Good guys did not dump you and tell you they just did not love you. Good guys broke up only for very good reasons and gave you the impression that everything can be fixed. When you tell a girl that  you have to break up because of her 'issues', if she loves you, she will think that all she has to do is change and you'll go back to her. But if you weren't brave enough to just break up, honestly, then, you're just being cruel."

It's getting late and technically the last day of this long weekend. So far, I found out that it feels good to be on your own even for once just appreciating the simple things. It's like getting a breath of fresh air that my inner self has been craving for


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