Yesterday was Mother's Day

It's that day of May when I get that shy look in approaching my mom to greet her. Nevertheless, I still do so. Just weeks ago, when I realized that Mother's Day is fast approaching, I thought of throwing a surprise because there are three mother celebrating that day at home. I really intended to spend a fortune to give them something until the inevitable happened two days before Mother's Day.

While my female relatives were greeting each other Happy Mother's Day, it is still undeniable that half of it was a gloomy one. Yesterday, as I was at the mall, I looked around, while daughters walked hand-in-hand with their mothers, I was walking on my own attending to errands related to the wake. Still, I went on with my plan. But as soon as I handed the gift to my mom and greeted her, I was unable to hold those tears, I sobbed right on my mom's shoulders which caught her by surprise.

In the end, I hope this is going to be the first and the last time I shall write a lonely post on Mother's Day and will never have to do this again.


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