Counting Blessings

Good things come to those who wait. If he works like hell while he waits.

The previous week was something that's far from the usual. I can't say it's a breezy, manageable one like before. The last three days particularly were hectic especially for me. It was that busy that all I was praying for was to be given with the strength that I need to get on, given that I had a huge deadline to meet.

Another title was added to my job description in the last three days. I was a campaign assistant for the wife of my boss who is seeking for an elective position in the Law Society. I was asked to disseminate the material to her colleagues. Doing so reminded me of Marlon, my friend's former assistant. The job gave me an idea on how it is to be in his shoes. Sure, the it isn't as easy as eating peanuts. I had to do some sacrifice. My boss nor his wife are no politicians but doing the job for them somehow gave me a peak on such kind of calling. It made me think, if God is preparing me for a different life in the future, at least I have an idea this early.

But the sacrifice did not go to waste. I was able to accomplish them before the given deadline as I juggle with my other tasks. While I was not expecting anything in return, my boss's wife emailed me to drop a note to say thank you. It was enough to make my heart melt. 

Yesterday was the quarterly Townhall Meeting scheduled for our department. I was looking forward to attending just like in the previous quarters but circumstances prohibited me from doing so. At one point, I was disheartened, but there's no room for complaint. I suppose it happened for a purpose. This plaque is now standing quietly in a corner in my bedroom. It's been a day after the awarding, it has not sunk into my mind yet. In the middle of the sacrifice, I only asked for one thing -- that all my sacrifice will be worth it.

In the end, it became such a sweet finish to a loaded week. And I could not be anything but thankful.


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