Thoughts in the Time of a Frightening Pandemic

It has been eight days since I last went to the office. I am one of those employed folks who are currently affected by the government's order of placing some areas on an enhanced community quarantine in the hope of curbing the increasing number of CoVID19 incidents in the country that has now reached around 500 reported cases.

You might want to ask me how am I feeling. Honestly, this is completely different. It's kind of surprising that a virus, that is invisible to the naked eye was that powerful to halt everything and turn things around in an instant. Establishments are closed -- yup from schools, offices, malls even the coffee shops that I frequent every morning to get my daily coffee fix. Prior to going into this unexpected hiatus, I remember telling a colleague about how, during the time of our parents, we already thought being in the time of Martial Law is already the worst time to be in.

Only to realize that we, as adults in this present time, would witness and experience such period now. And compared to that of our parents, the one that is causing trouble now is something we do not even see -- which makes it all the more frightening.

I might be home now but still, I could feel the economic effects of this disease as an employed person. The enhanced quarantine period is supposed to be for one month. And it's for the same duration too that everyone is told to stay home. For someone employed it would mean being unpaid if they are part of the workforce that implements a no work, no pay policy. And being unpaid for a month is really painful in all sense of the word.Just like the others, I also have woes particularly what would come next after this or worst, what if this locked down situation gets prolonged. I am unable to work from home because the situation and technology won't allow me to perform my tasks efficiently unlike when I am in the office -- where what I need is there (and where the internet connectivity is steadier and much reliable).

One week down, around three weeks to go. Despite my worries, I just came into a resolve to think of the positive side of this month-long hiatus. Aside from using this time to rest and finally get enough sleep, I am using this time to catch up on attending to things that I realized to have been neglected for so long. I also think this time will also be good in order for me to think and decide on things and issues in my personal life that needs some realignment. I knew I need to act and decide on things that I have set aside many times when I should have already acted on it.

I am just like other people. Hoping and praying that the pandemic curve will finally be flattened and this frightening situation will finally be over. 


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.