Town Fiesta with College Friends

For the last three years or so, I have never witnessed the celebration of Angono's Higantes Festival. Doing so was mostly out of choice. Blame it on the fact that I know I am getting old each year, I just want to stay home. Going out is either done out of spontaneity.

Pardon our looks. I was not really planning of leaving the house today but had to leave to run some errands. While I was at the mall, my classmate Hermil invited me for an impromptu reunion with my college classmates. Given that we have not seen each other for years (most of us left the university 8 years ago), I decided it's reasonable to give in to it -- despite the rainy bed weather outdoors.

And since this an unplanned thing, patak-patak ang dinner (okay for the sake of clarity, it's dutch treat). Here we are goofing in the dinner table while having a humble meal of roast chicken and pizza.

If there's one thing about growing old (in terms of age) it's being able to appreciate time spent with friends and knowing that you can still have good, clean fun if you choose to. Tonight was filled with tummy-aching conversations about college days, work, past and present loves, and well, some naughtiness in between and I can't blame them (as most of them are "technically married" and I'm the last single woman standing). But you've got nothing to worry about as I just listened and laughed when they discussed about the three-letter "S" word.

It's a good thing that I said yes to Hermil's invitation. While we wanted to do a part 2, it might come later than sooner as most of us are leaving the country for greener pastures. But hopefully, we'll be able to invite more colleagues next time.

Photos courtesy of Hermil.


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