A Helpful Hiatus

After almost a month and two weeks of unannounced disappearance, I decided to reactivate my Facebook account yesterday. If I were the one to decide, I am really not keen at resuming however, one of my officemates  and some from my family tried asking me why I, strangely disappeared.

Well, this post has the answer to your whys. Be warned though that while this entry answers the question related to my strange, uninformed absence, it is a lengthy read.

On the other hand, next to going through a quiet period of recovery, unplugging my online life for a month gave me one of the best things next to getting a well-deserved brain detox and accomplishing things at work, it is productivity in other things. In what way, you'd ask? These pictures will tell you.

1. I got to visit four churches for Visita Iglesia during Holy Week. I see this to be an accomplishment because I was able to devote time to my faith despite working on Maundy Thursday.

 2. The kilig experience of being someone else's fan. Dahil paralegal man ay fangirl at heart pa rin.

3. Setting aside quality time spent with colleagues despite a busy workday.

4. Visiting a place on my bucket list on an Easter Monday.

5.Trying a hand at painting (finally)! And possibly doing it again.

6. Attending an event for the first time and participating at yet another meaningful endeavor -- that will be given another space and post on this blog :-).

7.  Another thing I tried for the first time? decorating an Easter egg for a mini-event at work And lucky to even win a consolation prize hahaha!

8. But the hiatus is mostly about making most out of the time and silence. Something people tend to forget that they are given with.  

While I may have plugged my online life back, I am really not planning to post a lot of stuff. If there was another thing that I found refreshing about going offline, it's being spared from the negativity of toxic people. While not all online users are trolls, it's just suffocating (sight-wise and mind-wise) to see a lot of posts from rants to foodporn-ish things posted and running on the social media platform's walls.

I've found brain detoxifying through being away from social media to be beneficial. I may be naninibago with returning after a month's hiatus so I guess I'd keep it that way -- doing things in moderation is still the best move.


Thank you for dropping by and taking a peak on my thoughts. This page is for your comments.