A Letter to My 17 Year-Old Self

To the 17 year-old Glaiza,

I know right now, you're still trying to look for your place in the sun, and let me tell you that that's okay. I know it's nerve-wracking, but life is not a race. And I just hope that what you'll read from this point forward will be helpful not just today as you go through this phase, but more so as you get older.

When things become harsh and grueling, know that it's fine to live one day at a time. If you start to feel being left behind by the milestones of people around you, remember that we all have "timezones" that operate differently in each stage in our lives.

Just like feelings, your dreams are valid. Never be scared to pursue your passion because aspirations do not have expiration dates. And when you start to get bothered by fear and hesitation, always remember one thing: the voice that tells you that you can't do something is always lying! 

Spend time with your parents. Make time for them and appreciate the moments you have with them. They are among the precious ones God gave you, and He will need them back one day.

"Thank you" and "I'm sorry" may just be two short and simple words. But they mean a lot when you say it right and mean it. 

In times of argument, learn to listen. Do it not to reply but to understand.

It's hard to forget the people who broke and hurt you. But remember to acknowledge the ones who helped you rise up and begin again when you were ready to hit rock bottom.

Do not shortchange people when it comes to three things: love, appreciation, and respect.

Put a value on yourself and your well-being. Do not hesitate to ditch and let go of things, situations, or even people when they no longer serve their purpose or add meaning to your life.

Heartaches are an inevitable component of love. But as long as you believe in love, you will find it. For the right reason, at the appropriate season and in the right person.

Prioritize your own happiness. It is not a selfish act to do so. Make a choice not because it is what society or those around you is pressuring you to do. But because it is something that you know deep within your soul that makes you happy.  

Lastly, do not forget to pray. Those around you may be busy accomplishing day-to-day matters and may be unable to make time to hear you out, but God has an open door policy. He always listens.  

Aim for the best,

Your 37 Year-Old Self


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